Submit your Business

We are providing this service completely free of charge to all Saltash businesses to enable Saltash residents to have a central repository of business whose services they can use during lockdown periods as well as those periods when restrictions are eased.

Please use this form to submit your business. Help with submitting your business can be found here.

Your business will be manually approved and published to the website as soon as is possible. This could take up 2 days.

Businesses which are eligible to be displayed in this website are businesses with an address in Saltash or close surrounding area or businesses who will deliver to Saltash or the close surrounding area.

About You

Please enter the name of the person submitting this request. This will NOT be displayed.
Please enter the email of the person submitting this request. This will NOT be displayed.
Please enter the phone number of the person submitting this request. This will NOT be displayed.

About Your Business

Please select a category which represents your business
Please enter a short description of your business. 500 characters max.
Please enter your business address.
Please enter your business email.
Please enter your business phone number.

.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif at approx 200px x 200px
Please enter your website address.
Please enter your full Facebook link, if relevant.
Please enter your full Instagram link, if relevant.
Please select all relevant ways the public can order your products/services.
Please select all relevant ways the public can obtain your products/services.
Please enter any additional information we may find useful when reviewing your submission.